The INREDIS project

The INREDIS project, was the project where I worked doing research during 4 years. The first 3 years at TMT Factory and the last year at BDigital. INREDIS means INterfaces for RElations between Environment and people with DISabilities.

INREDIS was approved in July 2007. It is a CENIT (National Strategic Consortia in Technological Research and Development) project which is part of the Spanish government's INGENIO 2010 initiative managed by CDTI (the Industrial Technology Development Centre).

INREDIS carried out basic research in the field of accessible and interoperable technologies over the period from 2007 to 2010. Its objective was to develop basic technologies that would enable the creation of channels for communication and interaction between people with some kind of special need, and their environment.

I was able to work from TMT Factory doing research on its SmartPoint and new ways of interaction with big public displays in the street. I was focused on the human-computer interaction and doing research on new ways to interact with public displays (voice, gestures, avatars and touchable interfaces).

At BDigital I was doing research in accessibility and interactive innovations between "La Caixa" ATMs and mobile devices. It was very interesting to connect an ATM with an Android mobile device using Bluetooth and WiFi. And more exciting, try it in a real environment with users.

This is the official video we recorded at BDigital and "La Caixa".

If you have any comment, don't hesitate to contact me :)

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