My talk at the Barcelona NoSQL matters 2012
At the Barcelona NoSQL matters 2012 conference I presented the work I made at BDigital with the Dr Daniel Villatoro, Xavier Mercadal and Arol ViƱolas during the first part of the Commutio project.
During the talk entitled, The real-time Barcelona urban mobility with NoSQL technologies, I proposed two complementary ways to exploit the human sensing capabilities in order to understand their mobility patterns in an urban environment; namely, the information extraction of social networks and the acquisition of more accurate position information, recommendations and network optimizations through the use of gamification techniques. Moreover, we described our experience and barriers encountered when deploying our solution using NoSQL technologies (based on documents and graphs) with the goal of understanding urban processes such as the identification of transitory areas of activity and mobility patterns in the public transportation network (PTN).
This is the video of my talk:
These are the slides of my talk:
If you have any comment, don't hesitate to contact me :)
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