Marc Pous, Daniel Villatoro, F. Xavier Mercadal and Arol Viñolas: "Design of a Real-time Crowdsourced Mobility Sensor for Public Transportation Networks." SENSORNETS 2013, Barcelona. To be published
Daniel Villatoro, Marc Pous and Marc Torrent-Moreno: "Citizen as a Sensor: The Barcelona Urban Mobility Use-case." Barcelona Smart City Expo 2012. (pdf)
Marc Pous, Daniel Villatoro, F. Xavier Mercadal and Arol Viñolas: "The real-time Barcelona urban mobility with NoSQL technologies." Barcelona NoSQL matters 2012. (pdf)
Marc Pous, Circe Serra-Vallmitjana, Marc Torrent-Moreno, Rafael Giménez, David Boix: "Enhancing accessibility: mobile to ATM case study." CCNC'2012 CeHPSA Workshop. 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Consumer eHealth Platforms, Services and Applications. (pdf)
Rafael Giménez, Marc Pous, Francisco Rico-Novella, "Securing an Interoperability Architecture for Home and Urban Networking: Implementation of the Security Aspects in the INREDIS Interoperability Architecture," waina, pp.714-719, SMPE 2012. 2012 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2012.
Rafael Gimenez and Marc Pous: "Augmented reality as an enabling factor for the Internet of Things." W3C Workshop: Augmented Reality on the Web 2010, Barcelona. pdf)
Marc Pous and Luigi Ceccaroni: "Multimodal Interaction in Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing." ICIW 2010: 457 - 462. (pdf) - (slides)
Marc Pous: "Accessible interactive community displays in public spaces." WWW2009. Panel session: Emerging technologies for combining web accessible interfaces with the development of new interoperable ICT devices. (slides) - (video)
Luigi Ceccaroni, Victor Codina, Manel Palau and Marc Pous: "PaTac: Urban, Ubiquitous, Personalized Services for Citizens and Tourists." ICDS 2009: 7-12. (pdf)
Marc Pous, Luigi Ceccaroni, Manel Palau and Victor Codina: "Ubiquitous, social networks in the street, 2009." W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking 2009, Barcelona. (pdf)
Marc Pous, Luigi Ceccaroni y Jose Martínez, "Plataforma colaborativa de gestión de proyectos accesible para personas con diversidad funcional", Interacción 2008 - IX Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador - Albacete, 9 de junio. (pdf) - (slides)